kk82.net – an un-quiet mind

I move slow and steady, but I feel like a waterfall

19.06.2013 (3:05 am) – Filed under: Uncategorized

One of my worries, as I bide my time and grow strength, is that I am literally doing nothing. I don’t have a framework for massive longterm change in human beings. Part of the reason I feel like I am doing nothing is I don’t know what behaviors need to change and what I feel the results should be.

I think egalitarianism is a fine word, and concisely summarizes my belief system. However it’s hard for my contemporaries to understand the feverish devotion I hold to all humans being equal, not just some. I know humans need to work together and remove class struggle to succeed in reaching a Star Trek like utopia. I don’t think the reality of that world would be as humorous and far-fetched as someone born in the 20th century certainly thinks it now.
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